Calendar:Check our Calendar on this website to determine if your date is available. Please Note: On the day of your booking, you will be able to access the centre 15 minutes prior to the start of your rental time and you will be expected to vacate the premises 15 minutes after the end of your rental time. If you need more than 15 minutes for set-up and take-down, please extend your booking time. Any booking that goes over the allotted booking time (as determined by the security system) will be charged an additional $25 for every 15 minutes over the allotted time. This fee will be deducted from the damage deposit.
Apply: Once you’ve chosen your date,complete and submit the online application. (The online form is still in development, so for now send your request by email to Please include your name and a contact phone number. If possible, please avoid using hotmail accounts as an email contact. Hotmail is notorious for flagging emails from websites as spam/junk; if you must use Hotmail, then add the rentals email address to your “Safe Senders” list in your Hotmail account to avoid having our email replies from going to your junk folder.
Wait for reply: You will be contacted within 2 business days by the community league rental agent.
Tour (if necessary): If you have indicated that you need to tour the facility before confirming your rental, the community league rental agent will contact you by email or phone to arrange a time.
To hold your booking (retainer): Once your application has been approved by the community league rental agent, you can hold your booking in the following ways:
If your booking is more than 14 days in the future, a payment of $100 will hold your booking.
If your event is less than 14 days in the future, the entire rental amount must be paid.
Payment can be made by e-Transfer, by cash, cheque or certified cheque/bank draft.
Obtain insurance/Sign the rental agreement: Once your application has been approved by the community league rental agent, and deposit/payment has been made the date/time will be held for you for while you obtain the proper insurance (see insurance requirements in terms and conditions). The insurance documents must be received at least 48 hours before the start of the booking. If the insurance documents have not been received, the rental application will be cancelled. You must also complete and sign the Rental Agreement. Please note that The Ridge Community League reserves the right to refuse any rental.
Notes about insurance: Third party liability insurance in an amount not less than $2,000,000 is required by The City of Edmonton. You may obtain event insurance by applying online. For the majority of the bookings, obtaining insurance is a quick process. The insurance document must name The Ridge Community League as a co-insured. The address of the Ridge Community Centre is 2111 Haddow Drive NW.
We are not affiliated with any of the above insurance companies. Please check around as prices and processing times vary.
Alcohol: If you are serving alcohol at your event, you will need a special liquor permit (can be obtained online from AGLC). Permits will differ depending upon whether you will be serving guest drinks for no charge, or are selling drinks at the event. If alcohol is being served or sold, the insurance certificate must reflect this.
Contract, deposits, key fob: Once your application has been approved by the community league rental agent, the Rental Agreement is to be signed and submitted to the rental agent. At that time, payment for damage, cleaning, and key fob deposit is required. Payment for these items can be made by e-Transfer, cheque, cash, certified cheque or bank draft, and must be paid at least 48 hours prior to the event. You may be provided with a key fob which will allow you to access the building on the day of your rental. You will be shown how to disarm/arm the alarm upon entering/exiting.
Day of rental: On the day of your rental, you may access the centre 15 minutes prior to the start of your booking.
After rental: After your event, please adhere to all Cleaning Instructions. Please allow enough time for take down and cleaning. You must be fully ready to vacate 15 minutes after the end of your paid rental time. Check to see that the centre is empty, turn off the lights, lock the door, deposit the fob in the office, set the alarm and exit the centre.
Deposit Return: The centre will be checked by the community league rental agent within 24 hours of your rental. If there are no deductions for a lost fob, damage, or cleaning, your deposit cheque/cash/e-Transfer will be returned as soon as possible (within 30 days).