Community Centre Cleaning Checklist For Renters

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Tables and Chairs

  • Wipe tables and return to carts.
  • Fold chairs and stand 10 per cart.
  • If any chairs have spills on the fabric or damage, please leave them to the side in the storage room.


  • Before sweeping, spot wipe any spills or sticky spots.
  • Sweep floors with a large dry mop (in storage room). Vacuum head of dry mop when finished.
  • Wet mop floors. (Bucket and mops will either be located in the storage room or in the utility room). The sink for filling and emptying the bucket is in the utility room. Floor cleaner is located on the bottom shelf of the supply cabinet in the storage room. You must put some pressure on the mop to get a good clean!
  • Rinse out mop heads and hang to dry over the empty bucket.


  • Remove your decor or posters from the walls and wipe away any residue left behind.


  • Ensure toilets are flushed.
  • Sinks and toilets should be left clean.
  • Sweep floors as necessary.

Kitchen (if used)

  • Wipe counters and sink.
  • Clean up any spills in fridge/stove.
  • Ensure no items left in dishwasher.
  • Sweep floor as necessary.

AV Equipment (if used)

  • Turn off power and put equipment away.
  • Ensure all cords, microphones and remotes are in the container and the container is on the shelf in the storage room.


  • Bag garbage and recyclables and leave them in the Utility/Zamboni room beside the Kitchen. Extra garbage bags are in the cabinet in the storage room.
  • Bottle/cans for deposit may be taken or left in the utility storage room.


  • Turn off the lights in: the storage room, the skate warm up room, the main hall and the front entrance.
  • Lights in the utility room, the washrooms, the kitchen and the office are on timers and will turn off automatically.