The Ridge Public Skating Guidelines

The Ridge Community League is committed to creating vibrant, healthy and safe spaces. In promoting shared positive experiences we ask all participants to observe the principles of safety, respect and courtesy.

  • For hours of operation and program times please refer to the Skating Schedule page.
  • Please follow all Provincial and Municipal public health guidance and bylaws.
  • No food or beverage, with the exception of sealed containers.
  • Alcohol, smoking and vaping are not permitted.
  • Children should be actively supervised by a responsible person/adult.
  • Please follow posted Shinny Hockey Guidelines.
  • Helmets are recommended for all skaters.
  • Carrying others on the ice is not permitted.
  • Please skate in a manner that does not endanger yourself or interfere with other skaters’ safety and experience.
  • The Community League assumes no responsibility for the actions of individual and/or group users.
  • Skaters use rink at their own risk.

Thank you for your cooperation. Enjoy your skating!