Rink Project (Historical — 2017)

Rink Project Status and Updates (Design Phase)

We have received our approved Development Permit from The City of Edmonton. We have also received our Municipal Improvement Agreement for signing. It is currently under legal review due to recent changes in documentation that historically has been “typical”. Once we have a green light we will sign off on it.
Our Architect, Bennett Architect Inc. has completed approximately 30% of the design drawings which will be used to secure estimated prices from various contractors. These drawings include a site plan and details (for example, parking lot), building details such as floor and roof plans, elevations, building sections and rink details.

Next steps in our process include:

  • Signing a Municipal Improvement Agreement (MIA) with the City of Edmonton
  • Drafting of construction drawings
  • Awaiting status of our second application for the CFEP major project grant (March 30th)
  • A second Public Involvement meeting at the Rec Centre for comments on design drawings (Date TBD)
  • Incorporate public comments, review detailed drawings by Rink Project Committee
  • Make GO-NO GO decision April 4
  • Issue detailed drawings for tender April 7
  • Issue contracts April 2
  • Start construction May 14


  • Fall of 2004: The Ridge Community League (Henderson, Falconer Heights & Haddow) executive received a written request from a group of residents in the Haddow neighbourhood requesting that the league consider building a permanent outdoor boarded skating rink with change room and washroom facilities in Haddow Park.
  • January 2005: A committee of league residents came together to begin working on a 5 year strategic plan for The Ridge Community League; completed later in 2005.
  • 2007: The league distributed a needs assessment to residents of the Ridge CL and garnered information about what people felt was the role of their community league and what amenities, services and programs people wished to see. The top items identified in the survey were skating rink, league building and multi use courts.
  • 2010: The league formed a subcommittee and began the process of planning for the construction of permanent facilities in Haddow Park. The project was forced to be put on hold when the City of Edmonton identified Haddow Park as a potential site for the First Place Home Owner’s Program.  The exact location of the housing project had to first be determined.
  • 2015: The location for the housing project was finalized and The Ridge Community League was given permission to move forward with the rink project. With due diligence in mind, the league put forth a new needs assessment to residents in the spring of 2015.  This new survey agreed substantially with the 2007 needs assessment; the results showed that an outdoor rink, community league building and multi use courts were top priority for the residents.
  • Early 2016: A sub committee was formed, terms of reference for the committee were created and since March of 2016, this committee has been working closely with the City’s Integrated Infrastructure Services Group. The committee has completed the Strategy Phase and 90% of the Concept Phase.
  • September 2017: The Rink Project Committee has received approval of its Concept Phase from the City.
    This means we were then able to move to the Design Phase of this project.

It is anticipated this project will be paid with community league funds and grants on a 1/3-2/3 ratio.

For more info email info@theridgeonline.ca