Be a Ridge Volunteer

Volunteer Opportunities

Become a Volunteer

Becoming a volunteer can be very rewarding for the both the volunteer and for the people you help. Volunteering is a great way to share your interests, meet new people and help shape the future of our community. Whether you would like to volunteer on a regular basis or just a few hours a year, your help would be greatly appreciated.

To find out more about becoming a volunteer please contact our contact our Volunteer Coordinator at The Ridge Community League.

Board Positions

Please contact The Ridge (at to see which positions need to be filled.


Presides over board meetings, official spokesperson for The Ridge, has signing authority, and generally supervises the activities of the community league.

Past President

Assumes ad hoc duties at the discretion of the president/board.


Assumes role of President in their absence, has signing authority, performs review of various policies and procedures.


Distributes agenda for meetings, takes minutes for executive meetings, generally responsible for correspondence.


Responsible for financial records, including collections and disbursements, prepares annual budget and reports financial status at meetings as required.

Social Director

Responsible for matters pertaining to social activities of the League, such as festivals.

Sports Director

Coordinate community sports programs. Act as liaison to umbrella sport organizations.

Program Director

Primarily supervise and coordinate community summer playground programs, being involved in STEP and SCP grant applications.

Membership Director

Coordinate League membership drives and sales at sports registrations, collect membership fees and transfer to Treasurer, maintain current membership list.

Advocacy Director

Liaison with Community Services, Planning and Development, Transportation, City Council, etc., Attend SWAC, TRAC and EFCL meetings.

Volunteer Coordinator

Assess volunteer needs, recruit and maintain list of willing volunteers for community events.

Communications Director

Responsible for publicity of League events, and for preparation of League newsletter and its submission to the Riverbend Ragg-Times.

Social Media Director

As part of Communications Committee post events to social media platforms, such as FaceBook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

Internet/Website Technical Director

Keeps the league’s website accurate and up-to-date. Manage web server requirements, including email accounts and forwarders. Support bulk emailing to members.

Casino Director

Maintain communication with AGLC contact for scheduling upcoming casino fundraiser event(s). Submit casino license application, recruit for volunteers to sign up to staff the casino positions, and maintain an online signup page to track volunteer names and contact info.

Seniors Liaison

Builds and maintains relationships with other senior organizations, coordinates activities and programs for seniors.

Community Gardens Director

Acts as point of reference for community inquiries; leads sub-committee meetings; leads garden development, renovations and improvements; recruits committee and garden members.

Facilities Maintenance Manager (New)

Monitor facility condition; implement minor repairs as required; arrange contractors when required.

Hall Rental Manager (New)

Manage facility rentals, comprising preparing contracts, maintaining schedule and ensure payment of fees.

Rink & Courts Manager (New)

Coordinate or manage rink and courts, helping manage winter rink maintenance, and summer season equipment setup and storage, including pickleball, basketball and volleyball.

TRAC Ambassador (Falconer Heights)

Attend TRAC meetings to act as a link between the residents of Falconer Heights and TRAC; to assist with implementing plans and coordinating events which will foster a sense of community and further issues of interest. Must be resident of assigned community.

TRAC Ambassador (Haddow)

Attend TRAC meetings to act as a link between the residents of Haddow and TRAC; to assist with implementing plans and coordinating events which will foster a sense of community and further issues of interest. Must be resident of assigned community.

TRAC Ambassador (Henderson Estates)

Attend TRAC meetings to act as a link between the residents of Henderson Estates and TRAC; to assist with implementing plans and coordinating events which will foster a sense of community aand further issues of interest. Must be resident of assigned community.

Director at Large

To provide ad hoc duties at the discretion of the board while acting in accordance with the board’s motions and policy guidelines.