View City of Edmonton Community Gardens page
COE Community Gardens Guidelines (PDF)
Pop-up Gardens vs. Permanent Gardens
Purpose of Community Gardens?
This project involves the creation of a new community gardens both within the boundaries of The Ridge Community League located in Henderson and Haddow neighbourhoods. We have applied to the city for approval in 2023. Once approval is given, we will be able to move ahead with our plans for 42 (4’x 10’) beds available for public use:
- 24 at Henderson Park,
- 18 at Haddow Park
The most significant outcome will be the creation of public-use community facilities.
Community Gardens will welcome people of all ages, income levels, and cultural backgrounds. They are a shared community space which increase volunteer opportunities, and encourage greater social cohesion and connections. Studies on existing community gardens have shown that these inclusive, learning environments benefit the health of all those involved. As well, engagement in community activities encourages a sense of ownership and responsibility which leads to safer and better kept neighbourhoods. Community gardens will add another dimension to the facilities that we already have such as playgrounds, rinks, courts, and toboggan hills.
Who can get access to Community Gardens?
When the city approves our program, access will be available to:
- Current members with The Ridge Community League and who pay all membership fees in full at registration for the up-coming gardening season.
- Must be at least 18 years of age.
What does Community Gardens access cost?
Anticipating being free of charge to Community League Members
Where are Community Gardens in The Ridge?
- Henderson Park on community league licensed land at 3408 Riverbend Road
- Haddow Park on community league licensed land at 2137 Haddow Drive
Application/Request for Garden Plot (form)?
– Under development
Contract/Agreement (to be signed)?
– Being developed
Operational Guidelines
– Being developed

Contact Gardens Director: